Handling Your Chinchilla

Catching your chinchilla The easiest and least stressful way to catch your chinchilla is to cheat and use the dust bath-put down the container, when your chinchilla goes in pick up the container 🙂

Keep Your Chinchilla Healthy

Find a veterinarian before you need one; this could save your pet’s life! The first thing you need to do to keep your pet chinchilla healthy is to find a qualified chinchilla vet. Not all veterinarians will treat chinchillas and not all that will treat them know a lot about them so chose carefully. Find […]

Chinchilla Care 101

HistoryChinchillas are rodents native to the Andes mountains in South America. Their natural climate is dry and cool and they are most active at night. They live among rocks and mountain crevices where they forage on plants.